Seriously? Seeeeeeeriously?!?!?! How stinkin' lucky can one person be? Not only do I call this stunningly beautiful family friends, but they also allow me the privilege of capturing said beauty with my camera.
This was a quick session, a mini they booked during my Black Friday extravaganza. After a reschedule during the winter (boooooo flu bug, boooooo) it worked out for the best because that allowed us to venture outdoors on a perfect spring day here in MI. We all know perfect days are rare, so I thank the cosmos for favoring us last weekend!
This bloggity blog is a two-parter: one, you get to enjoy some pretty dang cute pics, if I do say so myself. And two, it's a friendly reminder that my schedule is quickly filling and availability is waining. Here's what the remaining spots look like:
June: Newborn, Family, and High School Senior Sessions, weekday sessions are all that's left. 2 spots remaining!
July: Family and High School Senior Sessions, weekday sessions are all that's left. 3 spots remaining!
August: High School Senior Sessions only. 2 spots remaining!
Mid-August through mid-October: MATERNITY LEAVE
Mid-to-late October: Newborn, Family, and High School Senior Sessions, weekdays are all that's left. 2 spots remaining!
November & December: Newborn and High School Senior Sessions. 4 spots remaining!
If you're a returning client, as always, you will receive a $100 credit to be used at your ordering session towards prints and products.
If you're a High School Senior gal, complimentary professional hair and makeup for all summer bookings!
If you're a High School Senior client, you can choose either $50 in cold, hard cash or $50 in an Amazon Gift Card for each peep you refer my way.
Alrighty then, let's get to the fun stuff now...pretty pictures!

This part of my session below I like to call "mean mug, silly mug, sweet mug". Let's face it, littles LOVE to make silly faces and sometimes that makes it hard to get them to give a non-goober face during the session. Letting them run loose on the silly expressions during part of their time with me helps them get the sillies out, and then they (mostly) cooperate for the rest of the sesh. It's just one of the many tricks up my sleeve. ;-)

MJR Photography
Michigan & Ohio Family, Newborn, High School Senior, and Wedding Photographer
Available for travel.