Oooooh my gosh. I'm speechless. Totally, utterly speechless.
Nah, who am I kidding? I always have somethin' to say. And I say that Rylie is one stunningly photogenic young lady. I also say that her sweet demeanor and brilliant mind make her the real deal.
Our session started out at the ever lovely Maumee Bay State Park. Then, as luck would have it, we stumbled across a vacant lot in the middle of who knows where, with perfect light, and the edgy vibe we were going for. The thing I love most about senior sessions is that we're able to wander around finding gem locations that most would overlook. We usually start with one location in mind, and then end up somewhere completely different by session's end. The randomness, the unplanned, make for those stellar moments. Love 'em!
I could blog every single image from Rylie's session but it would take a day or two to load up on your 'puters, so here's some faves of mine...